In an uncharacteristic fit of nostalgia I have decided to actually frequent this blog and, oh yes, write my random bits of streaming thought on its poor, sad, open pages. At the moment I am eating a most delicious salad that seems to be calling to me saying, "Eat the oranges last and the almonds first". Strange how food seems to speak. Even beverages have their own consciousness sometimes. My iced vanilla breve is practically shouting that it has too much ice but does not have enough vanilla and would like me to end its misery by consuming it as quickly as possible. I, however, have opted to prolong its torture by slowly sipping it until it is nothing but ice. Oh, I can be cruel sometimes.

Currently, the cafe is my only internet get away so here I sit for the world to see my musings about salad and coffee. Coffee and salad are not my only new updates. As I have decided to train for a triathlon sometime in the near future ( I consider a year to be near don't judge), being permanently sore has also become a great part of my life. Added to this is moving into my dorm, starting school, and struggling with how I am going to get away with singing in the dorm showers. Oh that reminds me, I looked at my dorm layout and there is a bathtub in the shower/bathroom. This worries me seeing as my visual mind can not help but wander back thought the years and think about what/who/or how that bathtub was used. I think it is safe to say that I will not be taking a bath at school.
I love this post! You are a sweetie :)