<---- Today, my quest for paper, pens, and the eternally coveted folder became a reality. I am very particular about my office supplies which prompted a long, lost, wandering in the twilight zone of the Staples aisles. This grand adventure was ultimately rewarded with a Godiva chocolate bar I had to risk my life for over by the computer section ( don't ask me why there was a chocolate kiosk over there, I don't know). While not the most exciting part of my day, it was number two on my days wanderings. Number one consisted of a 9-12 sojourn on the beach.
Ahh the beach. A haven for the aquatic lover. A sun lit oasis for those of us who love to curl up like cats in light streams coming through the window. I, however, use the beach as a place of contemplation for things I want to do before I kick the bucket. Yes, I am young but a bucket list should be started early and finished late. Is there really any point in wasting daylight hours on sleeping when they could be spent in the looming shadow of horror that hangs over your head as you realize you are about to jump out of a plane and hurl yourself through the sky at approximately one million mph. Why sit on a sunny beach when you can go backpacking through the hills of China? As I sat there wondering why people wasted so much time it dawned on me...sleeping is wonderful. That's why. So sleep away my sand eyed dolls and dream of doing wonders. The world will understand as long as you wake up before noon and remember to start your list early and finish it late.

I WILL post a comment....after three tries! Love the "start early, finish late" thought. It's never too early to plan and it's never too late to live! Love you!