I figured, since I wrote a post about things I like, that I should probably balance that out with a post of things that I am not so found of. So here you are, the top five things that I find weird, freaky, and generally disturbing.
1) The little, creepy, flailey arm tube dudes outside of car washes. As a person who tends to love bones in anatomy, the fact that these things are literally spineless freaks me out.
2) Green Gummies. I will sit there and either give these Gummie to a friend, or eat them first to get them out of the way. I just do NOT like the green Gummies, especially when they are bears.

3) Horror movies. Yeah, not a big fan. I can do suspense, but anything that is horror related and happens in real life...keep that away from me unless you want to know what a mother chimpanzee feels like when its baby is freaking out. On the flip side, I LOVE old "horror" movies like Dracula and Frankenstein. I could watch those all day.

4) Stephenie Meyer. She has brought an evil to this country by corrupting good vampire myths and the English language. The best thing that has come out of Twilight is the Bunnies in 30 seconds video (located here:
5) The guy who invented the paperclip (Samuel B. Fay, 1867). Okay, so I don't hate him, I am just a little bit jealous. In case you were curious about the paperclip there is a museum site!!!
The paperclip thing is really the best sign off I can think of.
~*~ The Singing Telegram Girl.
Ok, when you're home I'll show you how to embed the links and YouTube videos! I'd call but my phone is just about dead.. Maybe in a bit :)
ReplyDeleteAll that car wash dude needs is some Viagra. Seriously, you could have a whole new business saving the car wash world of floppiness.... :D
ReplyDeleteAs for angry alien -- have been a huge fan for years. I especially love the steam scene in Titanic.