
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

We are all books. Never ending novels with twists and turns in our plots. One moment we could be as see through as a pane of glass and the next we could be like lead to Superman's x-ray vision. The difference between one novel and the next could be something as simple as "She turned on the light" and "He turned off the light". Or it could be a more drastic change from "Happily ever after" to "She never found her prince". We could be page turners or documentaries. Fiction or fact. Comedy or drama. Romance or adventure. Eye opening or nap inducing. Some of us might not even be novels. There could be comics, diaries, how-to's, and even some cooking books. The funny thing is that we are the writers of our own stories. We control the main character, the plot, the twists and turns. How we chose to tell our stories is not always how they will be read.

I want my book to be a little of all the above. I want the reader to be able to read between the lines and feel the emotion of the moment they are glancing at. I want my book to be elegant, written in ink by hand. I want it to be bound in leather whose golden title has faded from use. I want there to be a prince who needs me to save him while he is saving me. I want there to be songs and secrets. I want to make the reader gasp as I go skydiving in one chapter and cry as I hold my new baby in another. Most of all I want my book to live on in memory. Past the ink fading and the pages falling out. I want to leave behind a story, a song, a little of myself, and a little of the reader.

Everyone has a different story and everyone will have a different end whether it be an early end or a late one. Some may be lucky and have their books published for the world to read. Their stories may make a change in the world. Some for the better and some for the worse. But everyone should remember why they started writing in the first place, and no one should ever have to look back through their pages and realize that they haven't learned anything from their experiences. A writer should never regret characters and their adventures or the words they have spoken. A writer should never regret their stories.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

It's up to you....

I have decided to make a grand re-reentrance into the blogging world. I find myself with a brobdingnagian (look it up, it's a real word) amount of time after I get home from work, and whatever physical challenge I decide to make my body go through that particular day. However, I couldn't pick a topic. There are actually too many....seriously.

So I leave it up to you, my Facebook family and my 11 (maybe) blog readers. Please, provide me with a topic. What do you want to hear me ramble about.

I am not promising perfection, I am not the most entertaining DVD on the shelf.
              the most energetic fish in the bowl.
              the most visible tiger at the zoo.

              or the letter z in your box of alphabet cereal.

But I do promise hilarity. 

Yours Forever!
The Singing Telegram Girl. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Happy Wednesday ;)


Hummmppp dayyyyy. Yeah!

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Beauty of Blank Pages

The beauty of blank pages is that I can type anything I want to! Win. So, I really have nothing interesting to talk about. Instead, here are pictures of me with ridiculous costumes on:

 The only time "duck-face" is appropriate.

FOR NARNIA!!!!!!!!!!               

I am ze night. 

Until next time, dear readers. Keep it classy. 

You are all soooooooooo welcome. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Vlog on Blog Tuesdays? Maybe...?

What is my neighbor doing with all these boxes! A theory on neighborhood weirdness by myself. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Lost, but not forgotten!

Hellllooooo pretty people,
   I am back. Well, I am going to try and be back. Don't hate on me! Basically, I am just going to post random things, musings if you will. I will make an attempt to write more stuff on here and some point in some span of time. Seeing as a major motivational kick has hit my life recently, I give you this:

Monday, June 11, 2012

Hello the people. So, due to the sad state of my blog participation (Not even my mother sent in a ridiculous thing from the the '50s), I will be simply saying that my brother, who I didn't even know had seen my blog, won with his intriguing post about BANANAS. 

Apparently, the US has stopped eating Gros Michel bananas because, well, we had to. There was some sort of blight that wiped them out and now we use the bananas with the lady with the fruit on her head that makes you want to sing and do the samba. Anywayyyyyyyyy, I have a different theory about the bananas that is in a visual below. So congrats to my bro, who so kindly said he didn't want the girl basket and since the person he said I could give it to is currently moving and trying to get rid of stuff, I think I shall save my inheritance from that for a rainy day.

RIP Mr. Banana, RIP.