As we all know, car drives can be one of the most monotonous things on the planet earth. So today on my 3.5 hour drive I started by promising myself the drive was not going to be a horrid experience. With that in mind I bravely ventured forth into the unknown world of elderly drivers and misspelled road signs. The journey was fairly smooth with minor turbulence along the way. The flight attendant, i.e. my ipod, kept up a generous supply of in-flight entertainment but when that got dull I kept myself entertained for the most part. My methods included;
*Alphabet Letter Find (Good luck finding Q or Z. Apparently they are not very popular letters)
* Seeking out and reading different bumper stickers ( My favorite was on the back of a pick-up truck driven by a 50+ year old couple that stated "surf naked")
* Singing at loud decibels to songs ranging from Think Of Me from Phantom of the Opera to Livin' On a Prayer by Bon Jovi)
* I would also like to state for this officially unofficial letter that guys checking you out as you are driving to the point where you think they are going to hurt their necks is a rather flattering gesture of highway appreciation and affords at least ten minutes of in-car fun.
Other then that the trip was mostly uneventful and filled with thoughts of, "My, our state is rather green this time of year" and "When I grow up I want a sailboat....and a sailor".

Bitty...your blog is so cute. It makes me feel like there's no purpose for mine. Sigh. Be a writer when you grow up ;)