Have you ever heard someone say in regards to religion, "It's
all relative." and quickly thought, "The hell it is!"?
This is moral relativism. Now, according to my sources at
the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
moral relativism didn't become prominent until people realized that it could be
used to let them do whatever they wanted; so around the twentieth century.
Apparently though, it has some old world origins.
Also according to the philosophical masterminds at Stanford - just
ask, they'll tell you so - both Herodotus and Protagoras "endorsed some
form of relativism." But what is relativism, you ask? According to them,
it is:
The view that ethical
standards, morality, and positions of right or wrong
are culturally based and
therefore subject to a person's individual choice.

1. Really stupid.
2. Exceedingly stupid.
3. I don't know, they could have a point?
4. I don't see what is wrong with that.
If you answered 1: You are probably not a moral relativist yet,
but watch the skies! It's all relative might be a phrase coming your way.
If you answered 2: You are definitely not a moral relativist.
If you answered 3: You are a moral relativist when if comes to the
things YOU want to be relative.
If you answered 4: You are a moral relativist and should probably
have that looked at.
But, but, but what does this have to do with anything in regards to religion? Everything, it has to do with everything in religion.
Suppose a Catholic bishop decided, "Hey, you know what, I
heard a man in confession say he cheated on his wife...let's kill him."
So you ask, "Um, isn't that illegal and kind of against the
entire notion and idea of confession."
His reply, "It's all relative! The bible says, 'If a man commits adultery with another man's
wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death.(Leviticus 20:10
You answer," Dude, the bible also says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).
I ask you, would you go with the bishop to kill that guy because
he feels it is just, or would you go save the poor man who the bishop is coming
after? The point here, I suppose, is that you can't pick and chose what parts
of a faith you want to follow.
You need to practice all of it, or none of it. Just ask those
people gunning for the HHS bill! There is moral relativism at its finest. I am
sure you are all aware of the situation with the HHS bill at this point. If
not, you can recap by reading any news story within the last 24 hours.
Basically, the bill says that all Catholic organizations will have to give
their employees birth control and/or medical sterilization coverage with the
newest development being the political bullshit our president said yesterday:
"The overall cost of health care is lower when women have access
to contraceptive services...If a woman's employer is a charity or a
hospital that has a religious objection to providing contraceptive
services as part of their health plan, the insurance company - not the
hospital, not the charity - will be required to reach out and offer the woman
contraceptive care free of charge, without co-pays and without hassles."
Well slap my back and call me Thelma! So what you are saying is
that a person is more expensive than birth control...so we should control the
birth rate of all members of America by offering them free contraceptives?
Couldn't we just move to China instead?
Now ladies, here is what I don't understand, YOU. I mean,
honestly! Could you be anymore selfish? Last time I checked, most women who wanted to have sex every weekend did it because THEY wanted to feel good. S.E.L.F.I.S.H.
When did a baby become this scary monster thing that hides under your bed and when did having sex before marriage and whoring around become a societal norm? Oh right, that happened around the twentieth century with moral relativism and our murderous, fake bishop from above.
When did a baby become this scary monster thing that hides under your bed and when did having sex before marriage and whoring around become a societal norm? Oh right, that happened around the twentieth century with moral relativism and our murderous, fake bishop from above.

Back to the notion of moral relativism though. Other than allowing people to pick and chose what parts of religion they want to follow (by the way, if you are Catholic, you can't do that), but it will eventually lead the society into a state of moral corruption. I said it! MORAL CORRUPTION! What if everyone decided they could pick and chose what parts of the law they want to follow. Oh wait, right, those are called criminals. However, by the standards that moral relativists set out, these people could easily say that right and wrong is culturally based, and that their thieving and massacring culture says "GO FOR IT".
Anyway, the long winded point I am trying to make is that moral relativism is just a scape goat for people who don't want to take responsibility for their actions. Not just in society, but in religion as well. So the next time someone wants to tell me that it is all relative when it comes to religion, I am simply going to look at them, cross my eyes, and make fishy lips. Why? Because that is the amount of respect that moral relativism deserves.
I absolutely love this :)