What happens when I have writers block? That would be the following post.
Now, In honor of the upcoming "holiday" (something about love), I have decided to give two awards.
1) An award for the most creepy love song sung by a male.
2) An award for the most creepy love song sung by a female.
Award number one goes to....THE POLICE!
"Every Breath You Take" by The Police has made me come to the realization that the guys singing in the following song..are stalkers. For that one reason, they win the award for the most creepy love song sung by a male. Or, in this case, males.
For those of you unfamiliar with the song, here is the link:
Really? You'll be watching me? I realize this was a big song of the '80s, but this is seriously creepy.

This song makes me want to buy a private detective for myself so he can watch the watcher. I think the real irony here though, is the fact that these guys are called The Police.
Seriously? SERIOUSLY!?
Wouldn't the police, I don't know, maybe want to catch the stalkers? I suppose that this is the perfect cover though. Either way, this song will officially make me want to drive faster the next time I hear it on the radio and I might now feel like I want to call the police.
I am willing to give an honorable mention to the Bee Gees and their song "Nights on Broadway". In this lovely ditty, the boys in tight pants sing some creepy librettos.
"Well, I had to follow you,
Though you did not want me to
But that won't stop my lovin' you
I can't stay away"
Yeah....this is creepy in and out of context. So an honorable mention to the Bee Gees for being creeptastic.
Award number two goes to....BLONDIE!
"One Way or Another", Blondie is going to get ya! Even if she has to drive past your house,"I will drive past your house and if the lights are all down, I'll see who's around."
I kid you not, she is going to drive past your house while you are in restless slumber and creep on you. Don't believe me?
She says so in the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDLcyXzLMfg
I think we can go ahead and consider that a confession. Also, what exactly is she going to do with the rat food she appears to be purchasing at the end of her song. Now, I wouldn't put it past a lady like this to have some really gnarly looking pet rats, but I might also assume she has some really creepy fetish. So Blondie, for making most males want to sleep with the lights on and probably for being the reason that most men hate going to the store, you win award number two.
Also, I think the owls really say it all.

Dear Blondie, one way or the other, I'm gonna charge ya! I'm gonna charge ya, charge ya, charge ya with violating a restraining order!
If you have any songs that strike you as particularly creepy, please share!
Pictures provided by: thepolicefile.com and cheezburger.com
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